For a Better Life in Taamir Valley


2006 – 2008




In 2006, the Hariri Foundation partnered with the World Bank, the Lebanese Council for Development & Reconstruction, and the Municipality of Saida to undertake a massive physical intervention in the marginalized neighborhood of Taamir Ein El Hilweh. Amidst a deteriorated physical state of buildings and infrastructural networks and a socio-economic lock-in that the local community suffered. The intervention aimed at reinforcing basic urban services and creating job opportunities for unemployed youth. The project featured an infrastructural upgrade, including the installation of sanitary networks to increase residents’ access to the network. The project also featured a WASH component, upgrading potable and use water networks as well as sanitary systems across hundreds of houses and shops.

In order to further empower the local community to increase local ownership and incentivize households to carry out self-help activity, a capacity building component was delivered to nearly 100 young people through awareness raising sessions and vocational trainings, securing at least 70 permanent jobs to those. In parallel, small grants were provided to hundreds of families to undertake the rehabilitation of their own residential and commercial units through, benefiting from the local database of recently-trained and already available local construction workers.