Bqosta Material Recovery Facility


2023 – Present


Saida, Lebanon


In 2023, the Hariri Foundation partnered with the Municipality of Bqosta to activate the Solid Waste sorting facility earlier established in Bqosta, Saida. The Bqosta Material Recovery Facility (BMRF) covers the collection and management of recyclable materials (including plastics, paper/cardboard, metals, and e-waste), from schools and businesses across Saida.

In line with the Outreach & Leadership Academy’s circularity program (OLACircles), BMRF stands as a unique environmental experimentation project that showcases the potential of community partnerships in closing the loop of circularity. The project aims to create a shift in citizens’ and organizations’ responsible lifestyle behaviors.

Community engagement is a cornerstone of this project, facilitated through a designated point of collection where residents can register, deliver sorted recyclables, and obtain detailed information about the program. This interaction not only enhances public awareness but also incentivizes participation by offering monetary rewards to registered who achieve specified sorting targets.

The facility runs according to advanced SOPs (standard operation procedures) and feeds into OLA’s training and awareness activities through learning and R&D. A designated, advanced digital platform was developed for the project to optimize the material recovery process. The platform functions as a comprehensive database, meticulously recording the recyclables collected and providing users with resources, tips, and guidelines to promote sorting at source.

BMRF resembles a pilot that could later contribute to the mainstreaming of circular economy practices across a national infrastructure for the treatment of recyclables (especially plastics) through public-private-civic partnerships.

For more information about BMRF and other circularity initiatives at the Hariri Foundation’s Outreach & Leadership Academy, visit,