Health Program

Health Program

360 beneficiaries under our health program for this month

Date: 14 May 2024

The Hariri Foundation for Sustainable Human Development, through its “Hariri Social and  Medical Center (HFSMC) and Mobile Medical Device (HFMMU)”, continues its health services programs in Saida and the neighborhood:

* Free mobile clinics program in partnership with the Ministry of Health.

* School health program.

* Free transportation program for non-emergency patients.

Mobile clinics
As part of the free mobile clinics program and in partnership with the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH), the Foundation announced that during the month of April, these clinics examined 140 patients from citizens and residents, including displaced persons from the southern regions, where they conducted medical examinations and primary care in the neighborhoods visited by the mobile clinics, namely: “Al-Bustan Al-Kabeer (Sanabel Al-Bushra Association Center), Al-Shahbil – Bqosta (Dar Al-Salam Social Welfare Center affiliated to Al-Bahr Mosque Charity Association), Al-Wastani (Zakat Fund Center), Maksar Al-Abed (Hajj Bahaa Al-Din Hariri Mosque) and Tameer Ain Al-Hilweh (Hariri Foundation’s Community Center)”.

School Health
As part of the school health program, the Hariri Social and Medical Center, through the Mobile Medical Unit, examined 250 pupils at Saida Public Primary School in Old Saida (formerly Rashidiya) and conducted comprehensive medical examinations, vision, oral and dental health checks, in addition to the vaccination record of each pupil to ensure that they received the necessary basic vaccines. The unit vaccinated those who were not vaccinated and refer those in need of health follow-up to the Hariri Social and Medical Center (HSMC).

Patient Transportation Program
The Hariri Foundation also announced that as part of its free transportation program for non-emergency patients (hospitalizations, dialysis cases and people with special needs) in and around Saida from home to hospital and vice versa, the mobile medical unit carried out 70 patient transportation missions.
The Foundation invites anyone who needs medical transportation and does not have the means to do so or has special needs to call the mobile medical unit on 892578/81.