Care for Orphans at Home


1982 - 1995


Beirut, Saida

In partnership with the SALVE Association, Hariri Foundation set forth and implemented a plan to provide orphans and their families with financial aid and promising opportunities for education and civic engagement. The project aimed at rehabilitating and safeguarding those families to achieve financial independence. The project initially targeted 25 families, providing full financial support and in-kind assistance. In 1986, those children, along with 50 students from Saida, had the opportunity to travel to Amboise, France to participate in a recreational summer camp.

Towards the completion of the project, 75 families were targeted, as orphan children received full scholarships to pursue and complete their vocational educational at the George Pompidou Institute in Paris, France. The opportunities granted to those children were paralleled with vocational trainings offered to their mothers, who received support in the production and marketing of their clothing and accessories.