Creativity & Scientific Mapping of Saida & Neighboring Towns


2017 – 2018




Under the National Initiative for the Centennial of Great Lebanon, the Hariri Foundation engaged members of the School Network of Saida and Neighboring Towns in the project “Lebanon… the State of Knowledge | Culture of Questions.” The project featured a capacity building component, targeting high school students through a series of training sessions on the history of Great Lebanon and how to ask the right questions in national development, in addition to communication and teamwork skills. Students were trained to become trainers themselves and to transfer the skills they have attained to their school classmates through delivering consolidated peer-to-peer presentations. 

The project also featured a survey component, engaging participants in conducting a mass survey diagnosing the “Creative and Scientific Identity of Saida and Neighboring Towns.” Reaching 3050 high school students, the survey rendered a database of creative, scientific, and employability interests and competences of local youth.