Equipping Productive Roof Gardens for Food Plants


2005 – 2007




In 2005, the Hariri Foundation partnered with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to carry out a joint project for promoting roof gardening in Saida’s historic district. The project aimed at establishing productive roof gardens for plants and food crops to help beneficiary households generate sufficient supply for necessary food intake and increase home intake by selling surface garden products. The project featured a capacity building component, offered to local households and children on the economic value and forms of crops suitable for the district’s rooftops as well as key agricultural practices to protect crops while preserving the cultural character of local houses.

The project also featured the establishment of tens of vegetable gardens on the rooftops of houses across the district. The project resulted in the production of approximately 275 kg of vegetables on a 7-month season, worth $200 for every household, accounting for approximately 11% of the total household income per month. 348 people benefited from this project through roof gardening as well as networking with other beneficiaries for sustained follow-up and knowledge exchange.