2019 – Present
In 2019, Hariri Foundation partnered with the Municipality of Saida and the local civil society to launch a city-wide, 30-day festivity celebrating the holy month of Ramadan through cultivating and capitalizing on local cultural and charity initiatives. Every Ramadan, the foundation works with its partners to map and coordinate efforts among civil society actors and SMEs to promote all activities within an inclusive campaign which promotes social cohesion and social solidarity. The festivity mainly targets Saida’s historic district as the key destination for tens of thousands of citizens and tourists due to its architectural character and the density of initiatives targeting the local community and local facilities.
Hariri Foundation opens its development center of Khan El Franj as the entrance and host of major festivities organized by tens of civil society organizations, also featuring an ongoing exhibition and market of domestic crafts and merchandise, promoting the works of tens of local startup and SMEs.