Supporting the COVID Vaccination and Back-to-Business Processes in Saida-Zahrani






In 2021, the Hariri Foundation partnered with members of the COVID-19 Crisis Management Committee and the Disaster Risk Management Unit in Saida-Zahrani to support the COVID vaccination process in the region. The partners launched an electronic portal for citizens to register for COVID vaccination. The portal reached a total of 65,000 citizens and fed relevant data into the national database of operated by the Lebanese Ministry of Public Health upon a public data management disclaimer and agreement integrated into the portal. 

The foundation worked closely with local hospitals to establish certified vaccination centers, securing the essential logistic equipment. The partners also supported the vaccination process through installing effective administrative and technical systems, and monitored the administration of vaccines to disseminate daily reports on the status of vaccination through a designated online portal. 

Throughout the process and towards the end of public mobilization period, the Hariri Foundation partnered with the Lebanese Red Cross to provide trainings and awareness sessions to local public, private, and civic organizations and specialized workers on the prevention and the safe return to business. Awareness sessions were also offered to school teachers and students on the prevention and the safe return to class, in collaboration with the members of the School Network of Saida & Neighboring Towns.