Aga Khan Prize-Winning Restoration of Al Omari Great Mosque


1982 – 1983



One of its first architectural projects, the restoration of the historic Al Omari Great Mosque marked an inflection point in the unfolding of the Lebanese civil war and Israeli aggression. The 13th century edifice had long served as the predominant mosque of Saida, where Islamic occasions were celebrated, until it was severely affected by the aggression. Upon the community’s demand, Hariri Foundation recruited world-renown history and conservation expert Prof. Dr. Saleh Lamei Moustafa, who led a team of architects and engineers to resurrect the edifice to its original structure in coordination with Lebanese Ministry of Culture – Directorate of Antiquities and the Lebanese Department of Islamic Awqaf.

In 1989, the project was recognized with the international Aga Khan Award for Architecture for its architectural excellence and for its success in addressing local needs and aspirations.

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