
Affiliations & Respresentations

Affiliations & Respresentations

Global OutReach

Global Affiliations

United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)

In 2003, Hariri Foundation was approved by United Nations Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations for a special consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).

The council has a wide-ranging scope of responsibilities from coordinating the work of UN agencies and commissions, to receiving reports from UN funds and programs, and to making policy recommendations to the UN system and to Member States. Hariri Foundation remains to closely align its programs with the interests of ECOSOC, promoting the development of Lebanon’s human resources through education, health services, economic projects, cultural enrichment, historical preservation, international co-operation, and the safeguarding of human rights.

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Hariri Foundation is a member of the Medcities General Assembly with an observer status since November 2022.

Since 2011, Hariri Foundation has been collaborating with MedCities and the Municipality of Saida, also member of the General Assembly, as an associate partner in the Urban Sustainable Development Strategy (USUDS) of Saida. Hariri Foundation is committed to exchanging its long-standing experiences and modalities for consultations, development, and crisis response with other cities in Lebanon and the Mediterranean region. Through its affiliation with MedCities, Hariri Foundation remains to transfer capacities on urban development to local communities in Lebanon and the region.

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Representation in Global Frameworks

Arab League

Arab League | Millennium Development Goals Preparatory Arab Conference – Representative of Civil Society

  • High Level Arab Conference on Childhood – Representative of Civil Society
  • Arab Conference on Children’s Fund – Representative of Civil Society
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National & Local Outreach

Representation in National & Local Frameworks

National Committee for the Implementation of the SDGs

Hariri Foundation is one of two representatives of civil society in the Lebanese National Committee for the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), established through the Council of Ministers Decree 203/2017.

The inter-ministerial national committee aims at enhanced coordination and designates both Hariri Foundation for Sustainable Human Development and Caritas Lebanon to represent and mobilize civil society in adherence to Agenda 2030 and in drafting the Civil Society Annex of the National Voluntary Review.

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Lebanese National Committee for Saving Education

Hariri Foundation is the representative of civil society and member of the “National committee for the Development of a Rescue and Recovery Plan for the Educational System in Lebanon” since 2022. 

The committee is chaired by the Lebanese Prime Minister and involves the Ministry of Education and Higher Education and representatives of Lebanese universities. The committee is responsible for developing contingency plans for the educational sector and educational institutions and coordinating efforts between government institutions concerned with educational recovery with the civil society, international organizations, associations and federations in order to activate and sustain the partnership between these sectors.

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"Education for All" Program

Hariri Foundation is the representative of civil society in the national “Education for All” program, organized by the Lebanese Ministry of Education and Higher Education and UNESCO.

Membership in National & Local Frameworks

LCRP Lebanese Crisis Response Plan

Hariri Foundation is an appealing partner in the Lebanese Crisis Response Plan 2022-2023 (LCRP),  a multi-stakeholder response co-led by the Government of Lebanon and the United Nations focusing on humanitarian assistance to host communities in Lebanon.

United Nations Global Compact Lebanon

Hariri Foundation is an active member in the Global Compact Network Lebanon (GCNL). Hariri Foundation remains to apply policies and procedures line with the ten principles of the UN Global Compact in the areas of Human Rights, Labour, Environment and Anti-Corruption.

NGOi Non-Governmental Organizations Initiative

Hariri Foundation is a member of the Non-Governmental Organizations Initiative (NGOi) by the American University of Beirut, which provides different services to the NGO sector in Lebanon and the MENA region.

Affiliate Institutions

Since its inception in 1979, Hariri Foundation strives to empower sectors and local communities in addressing issues that matter to them through sustainable governance. For that purpose, throughout the undertaking of national and local projects, the foundation has established autonomous sister organizations engaging project stakeholders in sustaining project procedures in an institutionalized framework, in parallel to the foundation’s program and center operations. This approach has proved as a successful model for perpetuating project operations and impact, with a localized lens.



Governments & Public Institutions

UN Organizations

Intergovernmental Governmental Organizations (IGOs)

International Non-Governmental Organizations (INGOs)


Governmental Organizations

The Government of Lebanon

Administrations & Directorates

Municipalities & Federations of Municipalities

Research and Academic Institutions

Private Sector

Banks & Finance

Civil Society

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